Proven Experience With


ACS has no central office - favoring instead a business model whereby ACS management, partners, developers and support teams interactively work online from multiple locations in multiple time zones as required for the projects on board at any given time. That infrastructure has served our clients well over the years by providing accelerated around the clock software development and testing, flexible team sizes and configurations, and customer support hours when and where needed. Give Eric Evans a call to determine how to best take advantage of our flexible capabilities.

New Technologies & Prototypes

  • Standalone desktop application programming in a variety of languages
  • Complex web site design, programming, testing and maintenance
  • Static web site enhancements with interactive server side programming
  • Seamless web site rendering on a variety of computer displays and mobile devices
  • Cloud based database design, construction and maintenance
  • Touch screen tablet user interfaces and interactive experiences
  • Smart phone mobile apps connected to server side software and data
  • Custom add-ons for Excel, Access, Word, Publisher and PowerPoint applications
  • User help system authoring for desktop programs and online web apps
  • Rigorous professional testing and quality assurance services
  • Go-Fast performance consulting and programming for SQL databases
  • Enterprise solutions for very large databases and thousands of concurrent users

Does your organization want to jump start a new application? Does your IT staff want to utilize some new programming language? Or evaluate competing component packages? Or enhance your web site performance and security? If so, please consider bringing in ACS to do some pioneering work for you. We have a long history of working on the cutting edge of new technologies, programming languages and hardware environments stretching back to the early days of Windows, Office, SQL Server, and the World Wide Web. If your IT resources are currently stretched thin, call upon ACS to dig into new technologies and report back to you. Like cloud computing, artificial intelligence and Microsoft's Blazor framework. Or look to ACS for rapid prototypes of new applications which allow for inexpensive evaluation, important user feedback and careful determination of how best to proceed to full development.