ACS has been in business long enough to have gained experience with most types of IT software development from MS-DOS to the latest web applications. On this page we have focused on four areas. We have the proven ability to learn anything we don't already know and / or to hire subcontractors to supplement our abilities. At least as important as the technology is that we will work with you to learn your business, learn your needs, and deliver the right solution for you. That is our most important skill.
Web Applications and Services
Web apps developed by ACS over the last three decades range from static websites to large internet systems connecting hundreds of interactive web pages to complex, sophisticated server side databases and business rules. Utilizing powerful tools like ASP.net, Bootstrap, JavaScript, C#, C++, Visual Basic, SQL Server, IIS, Windows Services and Windows Server, ACS has developed web apps for such diverse purposes as newspaper archive searches, fire department check-ins, credit card processing, charity auction management and online voter information.
Database Applications
ACS has developed database applications using everything from dBase to Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL Server and others. We write stored procedures and even extended stored procedures. Desktop DB apps and web-based DB apps. Large and small. Static and interactive.
For one of our clients, we built, updated, and maintained a nationwide voter database application containing hundreds of millions of voter records connected to billions of related data items that was rated the fastest online interactive voter information system in the world.
Legacy Application Maintenance
Many IT departments and software companies are so bogged down maintaining their existing software that they barely have time to develop any new products. ACS represents a good choice to take over maintenance and enhancement work on those legacy systems because of our familiarity and experience with older languages like desktop VB6, VB for Applications (VBA), C, C++, C#, DLL development, and ASP.NET. We are also able to develop middleware between legacy systems and newer online web applications.
Windows and Office Applications
Even though most of our current projects involve modern web apps, ACS maintains in-house expertise ready to develop, enhance and/or maintain desktop Windows applications. We have recently completed some complex assignments for clients with large Microsoft Office applications including automating the upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit of a large Access app with over 1000 forms … along with authoring a User Help system for the same Access app.